If you are interested in working with me, welcome! The work I do is very interdisciplinary, so I recruit students of all backgrounds. Some of these disciplines include: Computer Science, Education, Engineering, Psychology, Sociology, Anthropology, and Data Science.

There are many ways that I can advise students, so please look through your options below.

If you are an undergraduate or masters student at SDSU: Please send me an email at mcparker [at] sdsu [dot] edu with your resume or CV and what interests you about my research. I’ll set up a time to chat with you about your interests, what you could work on, and what your time commitment looks like.

If you are a current Math and Science Education Ph.D. student at SDSU/UCSD: I’d be happy to work with you for your independent projects. Please send me and email with your interests and we can work together to find a project that’s just right for you. I’m also able to serve on your dissertation committee, which we can chat about what that means and how I can best help you meet your dissertation goals.

If you are a prospective Ph.D. student: Please contact me and set up a time to talk about your interests and your goals for during and after your Ph.D. There are different Ph.D. programs available at SDSU that might suit you, and it’s best to talk to help navigate your options.

If you would like to work with me as a postdoc: Congrats on nearing the end of your Ph.D.! SDSU has growing opportunities for postdoctorate positions, so let’s meet and discuss your dissertation work and how a postdoc with me can help you reach your ultimate goals!